This is an interactive voxel renderer written in WebGPU.
  W/S - move forward/backward
  A/D - move left/right
  shift/space - move down/up
  focal distance - distance to focal plane
  aperture - amount of blur when out of focus
  tonemapping - maps HDR colors to displays
  sun - sun color and intensity
  sun azimuth - sun's upright rotation
  sun zenith - sun's vertical rotation
  sky - sky color and intensity
  new rule - generates a new rule seed
  rule seed - seed used to generate fractal
  flip % - chance to flip a voxel during generation
  regenerate scene - create new scene with seed
  stage - status of scene generation
  copy seed url - copies URL with current seed to clipboard
  voxel 0/1 - change the color and shape of palette used
  speed - camera movement speed
The default scene size is 64x64x64. Other available sizes include:
32x32x32, 64x64x64, 128x128x128, 256x256x256, 512x512x512
To use a different size, insert or edit the size query in the URL
(i.e., ?size=xxx) and reload the page. For example, going to
will let you explore 128x128x128 fractals. Note that larger fractals will take longer to generate. For 512^3 fractals, your browser may notify you that the page has stopped responding. It just needs a moment.
Additionally, if you find a seed you like and want to share it with others, you can insert that seed into the URL like:
https:// ... /?size=128&seed=673-966-187-297
When another person clicks on your link, they will automatically load in with that seed. This process can also be done automatically by clicking the "copy seed url" button.
	The fractal generation code is a port of Brent Werness' "Voxel Automata Terrain." The source used for
the port is available here. The rendering code was written by me (Addison Prairie). It uses glMatrix for
certain host-side linear algebra operations. Other attributions for specific functions can be found in the source code, which is available here.
Feel free to share any images generated with this site. The underlying voxel rendering engine is a single-file, free to use, and open-source.
Follow me on twitter: @AddisonPrairie